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Partitions at customer-facing desks and windows – screens made from security glass or polycarbonate – were disappearing from retail outlets and public venues over the 2000s and 2010s as physical security considerations became less pressing factors and a more welcoming approach to visitors became the...

Imagine purchasing equipment as vital to inclusivity as automatic doors, ramps, or accessible toilets, but then never checking if they’re operating the way your customers require, even after years of use and wear.This regularly happens with assistive listening solutions such as hearing loops, and at...

Large area hearing loop drivers installed in venues such as lectures halls, places of worship, and arenas allow multiple hearing instrument wearers to listen to speech or music with complete clarity.The V Series PRO range is the most technologically advanced set of hearing loop drivers...

Hearing the benefits of ‘old’ technologyMost industries are aware of the need to create spaces that are accessible. Focus is now shifting to environments that are inclusive and integrate everyone’s needs.Assistive listening technology is an essential part of inclusive design to make sure public buildings...

642 million people in the world have hearing loss, according to the World Health Organisation, with 1 in every 5 people in the UK affected. With this in mind, it’s perhaps no surprise that in many parts of the world it’s now a legal requirement to...

Meeting the needs of people with hearing lossThere are 11 million people in the UK (1 in 6) with hearing loss and close to half of those wear a hearing aid. As the largest group within the disabled community, they represent a significant consumer spend...

Hearing loss may be a ‘hidden’ disability but with an ageing population, its prevalence in care homes is growing.It’s estimated that by 2032 almost 80% of people in residential care in England will have some form of hearing loss and an inability to hear clearly...

11 million people (1 in 6) in the UK live with hearing loss. They constitute the largest disabled group and almost a quarter of them wear a hearing aid.This quick reference guide has been produced for Deaf Awareness Week 2019.It sets out your responsibilities as...

We are proud to announce a two-year initial partnership with the UK’s largest hearing loss charity, Action on Hearing Loss.Contacta have been selected as the charity’s exclusive supplier of assistive listening technology, which means we will respond to the thousands of enquiries the charity receives...

The latest revision of the BS 8300 standard has been released.  The new revision includes, for the first time, specific guidance on accessibility for people with hearing loss.  Look at why you should create a fully inclusive environment.Until now, facilities managers have had little guidance...

Made In The UK MADE IN THE UK: We’re proud to say our Contacta designed products are manufactured in the UK

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