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Old fashioned community hall

Inclusive movie nights at Owain Glyndwr Memorial Hall

The Owain Glyndwr Memorial Hall is a few years shy of its 100th anniversary but its name harks back to the 15th Century and the Lord of the Manor who led a revolt aimed at bringing English rule in Wales to an end.

The hall, which serves the village of Glyndyfrdwy in Denbighshire, is a community space for gatherings of all kinds, including carnivals, youth clubs, birthday parties, amateur dramatics and barn dances known as twmpaths.

Staff wanted to make all of these events more accessible to people with hearing loss and asked for our help.

After an initial survey of the building, our engineer, James, installed a perimeter hearing loop, powered by a V22 driver.  The loop cable was fixed to the picture rail around the room to neatly conceal it.

Wireless lapel and handheld microphones connected into the existing PA system give users the flexibility to move around the room and be clearly heard.

James also installed an XLR audio plate to allow the hall’s Blu-Ray player to be connected into the loop.  Villagers will no longer have to rely on subtitles when it’s movie night.

“This will make a lot of difference to many people,” said John Rostron from the hall.  “It will attract more visitors to use the hall because they won’t feel left out.”


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