31 May Sound through glazed screens at UK hospitals
Contacta have been manufacturing Speech Transfer Systems since 1985. Over the years a variety of models have been introduced and the performance of the systems has been improved continuously. Today, Contacta is a world leader in this category and a recognised leader in solutions for transmission of sound through barriers such as glazed screens.
This success has been firmly evident in many UK hospitals. The preference from hospitals and their facility management companies has been clear when it comes to choosing a reliable, long lasting system to serve both patients and staff at interaction points.
Over time, systems have been supplied and installed at hundreds of hospitals in critical locations such as A&E, waiting areas and receptions desks.
Contacta Speech Transfer systems are preferred due to their robustness, sound quality and flexibility. The systems deliver both clear sound whilst maintaining privacy in areas of close proximity. All systems combine a hearing loop system, making environments accessible for people who wear a hearing aid.
In Bristol Royal Infirmary hospital, two STS-K001 systems have been installed by Contacta engineers at the patient access welcome desk, where glass screens are in place.
The hospital had old competitor systems installed at this location, however, these stopped working thus causing serious communication problems for both patients and staff at the welcome desk.
Due to the large size of the waiting area in this location, the STS-K001 was recommended. This model consists of two speakers ensuring sound can be loud enough to overcome surrounding background noise, ensuring clear and concise communication.
The STS-K001 model is often the preferred choice at hospital A&E reception areas due to the loud ambient noises. It offers a particularly effective solution for these environments.
Other examples for hospitals where this system has been installed include the well-known Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital in London, the state of the art Omagh Hospital, the Royal Victoria Hospital in Folkstone and many more.
In 2020 hospitals continue to prefer Contacta Speech Transfer Systems, new models are being introduced to adapt to the ever-changing environments of healthcare facilities.